
A: Hey, bud.
B: Yah?
A: Let's finish it good, eh?
B: No prob!





  1. i have sth that i have been curious about...
    *it has nth to do with ur blog entry...*

    I don't get it, i've attended many kinds of Christian programmes, i still do not believe that Demons and Ghosts exist. It's said to be like those of the movies where demons and ghosts take over human bodies. And by chanting or praying, the spirit is banished. Well, i think maybe those being possesed are those ppl with mental problems, lost conscious or sth like that. What do you think?

    *i don't even know if this kinda stuffs is a sensitive issue...*

    Next, i've pondered on this for years, Adam and Eve first or Dinosaurs first? i've ask my Church pastor when i was younger, but i didn't get a clear answer. =/ could be b'coz, i was still immature to understand... =/

    Then, scientifically, how is that by praying, ppl get healed instantly of their illnesses, diseases or paralysis? I know that it is by God's miracles, but scientifically, it can't be explained. Could it be just encouragement and support that triggers sth in the brain or psychology for some stuffs to change or whatsoever thing.

    that's all my thoughts are.
    Maybe i'm just a confused lil Christian kid. =/

  2. Being confused is not a bad thing: it makes you wonder and drives you to search for answers. Really, it's not a bad thing at all to be confused, and you have really asked some good questions :)

    Now, instead of answering your questions, I think it's better that we can enter discussions. First, on demons and ghosts. I believe that they do exist, in, however, the spiritual world that we cannot normally contact physically. I believe so because the Bible has said so: there are many stories about demons and ghosts being chased away by Jesus or His disciples, and these Biblical stories also serve as the basis why I believe that humans can be possessed by demons and ghosts. On the other hand, what you propose may also be true: these people may simply have mental problems. But, why do they have mental problems? Some of the people may be born with it, but do not most of the people choose some way of life or thinking so that these problems may gradually overtake their lives? I believe that our God is a good God: He wants nothing but goodness for us and has set a Way of Life for us, so the way of life or thinking that gradually leads to mental problems must have been devised by a kind of force other than God. And, what may this force be? In my opinion, it is the ghosts and demons. If one opens himself/herself to the way that leads to mental problems, s/he is actually welcoming the invasion of these things into his/her heart, and that is why humans do get possessed by demons and ghosts.

    Second, on Adam and Eve and dinosaurs. Well, this is actually something on which everyone thinks a little differently. However, according to Genesis 1:20-23, “winged bird according to its kind” was created in the fifth day, and according to Genesis 1:24-31, “creatures that move along the ground” were created in the sixth day. Both of these creatures were created prior to the creation of human, though the land creatures were created on the same day as the humans. From the above two passages, my guess is that dinosaurs were created before humans, but, honestly, I do not actually know.

    Third, on the scientific explanation of God’s healing power. Well, I personally believe that a miracle is the thing that comes at the precious moment when you need it. Based on this belief, even the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, and the sky that we enjoy are all miracles, the miraculous works of God. With a God that is way beyond our imagination and capability, I do believe that the healing without scientific explanation is true.

    With all that said, however, I am not saying that you have to adapt to my way of thinking. As said, God is way beyond us: He is almighty and omnipotent, and thus His ways are multi-dimensional. The best thing about being a Christian is that you do not need to be the same as others: you have your own relationship with God. Hence, if you do not agree with anything that I said above, it is fine. There are things that really require great faith to believe in, and I have to confess, I have something that I find hard to believe in, too. But, it is fine. What God asks of us is really simple: to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind,” and to “love your neighbour as yourself.” So, do that, and put the things that you find hard to believe in or not understandable in your prayers. Be faithful in God, not in the answers to the questions.

    May God help us :)


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