Light! Light!

Energizer: "Light! Light! Muahahahaha!"
Little, Yellow... Thing: "Ahhhhh!!!"

Alright, alright, I admit... This is just something hilarious for fun.

However, be it physical or psychological,
Need we all the "lights" of the day?




  1. Happy New Year 2006!!!
    May you have a blessed year this year!!!

    Thanks for ur explanation the other day...

    how about this,
    have you read or heard about
    "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown??

    What do you think about the story and its contents??

    in it.... it is stated that Mary Magdalene is Jesus's lover.. is that true? and the Holy Grail representing Mary Magdalene. Btw, for the RC... they aa respect Mother Mary... to think of it.. which Mary izzit?

    p/s: everything's jumbled up... =/

  2. Hey, sorry to respond this late: I have been busy somewhere else and haven't had time to visit my own site.

    Anyway, for the book, I haven't read it, and whether Mary Magdalene was Jesus' lover, that I am not sure, either. I do remember that Mary Magdalene was said to be Jesus' lover in the movie "Christ's Last Temptation," too. Other than that, I am not really too much into this issue, sorry. About the authenticity of the story of "The Da Vinci Code," however, the Discovery Channel does have a program dedicated to the truth behind this novel, and maybe you want to check on that.

    For the RC, they respect Mother Mary, that is, Jesus' mother. There are many reasons why the RC respect Mother Mary, and many Christians are against such a respect: They think of it as more as a "worship" of Mary. In other words, many Christians believe that RC consider, in addition to Jesus' 12 disciples, Mary, Jesus' mother as "gods." But is that the truth?

    While it is very possible that some RC do think that way, it is actually a common misconception. The RC, according to my understanding, put Mary as the prayer deliverer. In other words, the RC pray to Mary in hope that Mary will deliever these prayers to God.

    Now, why do they do that? Well, there is a saying that, back in the old days, in order to balance the "musculine" side of the Christian religion, the preists introduced the concept of Mary as a prayer deliverer. It may be also possible that the RC want to make sure their prayers are heard, and with the "Mother of God" (physically, that is, and I personally don't like this expression, either) praying, God "might" hear more of the prayer. This latter one is more of a human psychological thing and should not be taken seriously. After all, who has the best idea of the future? Is it not God?

    That is my understanding of Mother Mary's role in RC. I do encourage you to consult your own pastor or local Anglican, Episcopal, or Catholic church to find more information.

    God bless :)

  3. Hi............

    I guess... The truth's hidden and it's hard to find the answer.
    Yea.. It's best to consult my church's pastor.

    Thanks for the reply.

    p/s: I like your way of explaining stuffs! cool! *salute*



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